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I am not to be found I am to be received I never withhold all I Am Prepare a place in yourself for me And you will see me everywhere
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Presence becomes received through our choice to relax effort to get, even to receive. Effortfulness closes up the spaciousness to enjoy contact with Grace. Contact is made through the manifestation of Presence here, now. One needs go nowhere, one is here. One needs not wait for a more auspicious time, Grace is now.
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Jesus is attributed with speaking of this spontaneous, effortless insight. This insight cannot be taught, only received. He spoke, in the Gospel of John 14.8-9...
Philip said to him, "Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” Jesus replied to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me, has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?"
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This we write of, then, in this series and elsewhere, cannot be grasped with the mind. I have urged a receptive openness to what I write, which is humbling to the intellectualized ego, which wishes to grasp with the mind. The little fish could have been educated as to the nature of the Ocean and water. He would have known about this in a theoretical manner. The little fish could have held seminars on "Water and Ocean, One" and charged for his expertise in sharing. Phillip could have received years of theory about Jesus and the Father. Today, he could have received a Ph.D. in Theology and become a clergyperson, speaking to others about Jesus and the Father, and other matters religious. The little fish swam in the Ocean, in the water, but had not known the water. Phillip had looked at Jesus for a long time, being with him daily, yet had not known the oneness of Jesus and the Father. Philip had been seeing the Father each time he saw Jesus, but he did not know he was seeing the Father. We live in oneness, yet may not know our natural, unavoidable environment.
To know the Truth, one cannot arrive at it through thinking about it; to know the Truth, one is touched by the Truth. Contact occurs, bridging the gap between your life and Life, by Life. The contact arises from the other side of our truths, from the inspiration and action of the Truth. Our only role is preparation passively to receive what Grace gives, and Grace gives only Itself. In Grace, we are given all belonging to Grace, all graceful.
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